Developing Sustainable Investments

Our Mission

Creating long-term value for our clients, environment and society through the development of sustainable investments

Why GSC?

Entrepreneurial group of companies operated by a strong M&A and development team with significant cross-sector experience

Our Approach

Developing a portfolio of sustainable investments while maintaining a flexible investment approach

Green Sentinel Capital (GSC)

is an investment holding active in greenfield developments and investments in solar energy and agriculture. Connected to its family business, Gebrüder Clementi SRL, GSC has more than 70 years of experience in agriculture and therefore access to unparalleled sizes of land in Italy and Southeastern Europe. GSC has a diversified team with an engineering and finance background. The engineering division has been carved out from a leading Italian construction company and controls the full development cycle internally.

Renewable Energy

Agriculture & Industrial Food

Our Mission

GSC’s current investment focus lies on the further development of the group’s Solar-PV pipeline. Today, the pipeline reaches a volume of 130 MWp with the land areas of the developments mainly located in Northern Italy. Part of the projects are developed for the group’s balance sheet and the remaining part of the pipeline will be exited to a selected investor. At the moment, GSC operates a portfolio of 7 power plants with an annual energy production of over 15,000 MWh.

From the pure land to an energy producing asset

Our Experience

The broad knowledge of the internal team enables GSC to enter into projects on a greenfield level which leads to total project control both at the technical level and regarding profitability. GSC carved out and acquired the engineering division of a leading Italian construction company in Northern Italy and merged it with GSC Development SRL. After internalizing all competencies required for project development, GSC controls the whole development cycle internally: from securing the land, organizing the due diligence process, and negotiating bank financing to managing the construction and sale of energy.

Our Services
control along the whole value chain

01 Project Development

  • Securing land area and project permits
  • Organizing legal and technical due diligence

02 Financing

  • Budgeting: Proforma analysis, forecasting, cash flows
  • Structuring bank financing at favorable conditions

03 Construction of power plant

  • Fast access to Tier-1 material within our own warehouses
  • Managing construction following precise EPC-Standards

04 Sale of energy

  • Structuring power purchase agreement with energy trader
  • Closing contract for the sale of energy

Our Approach

GSC aims to achieve organic growth through operating part of the self-developed projects internally and thereby securing a steady cash flow. In this regard, GSC operates as an Independent Power Producer accelerating the energy transition through the group’s operational Solar-PV portfolio. The rest of GSC’s developments is exited to selected investment partners with whom GSC usually is engaged in long-term partnerships.

Reinvesting the generated profits and diversifying the group’s portfolio through sourcing and developing projects outside of our core sectors is another important cornerstone of our business model.

We make renewables investable