Our Investment Focus

Renewable Energy

GSC develops Solar-PV and Agri-PV plants in Northern Italy partly for its own balance sheet and partly together with selected co-investors with whom GSC is engaged in long-term partnerships.

For a pipeline of more than 100 MWp, grid connection access has been requested and part of the projects are in the final stages of receiving the construction permit. 30 MWp will be constructed and held in the group’s portfolio and the rest of the pipeline will be exited to third party investors. At the moment, the team is securing land areas for the second development pipeline of 400 MWp.

Joint Venture

GTC Energy

is a joint venture with Giuseppe Gaspari, one of the most seasoned entrepreneurs and investors in Italy. In 2017, Giuseppe successfully exited his company Texbond S.R.L. to H.I.G. Capital and in addition built up Gaspari Foundation. GTC Energy is investing in internally developed Solar-PV and Agri-PV plants with a target size of 3 – 10 MWp that are either held long-term or divested to third parties at ready-to-build status.

Land Investments

GSC possesses land areas all over Northern Italy and expands its land portfolio by acquiring additional agricultural and industrial areas. Depending on the suitability of the land areas, GSC’s internal engineering team starts the development of Solar-PV or Agri-PV plants, Datacenters, Logistics halls or similar.

Land areas we are looking for:

Agricultural land

  1. Areas in the following regions:
    • Emilia-Romagna
    • Veneto
    • Lombardia
    • Friuli Venezia Giulia
  2. More than 200m distance from rivers and cemeteries
  3. More than 500m distance from historic centers or historic buildings (e.g. churches, historic mansions, etc.)
  4. Enel power station within 5 – 6km
  5. At least one of the following:
    • Within 3km of industrial zone (zone D in the municipal plan)
    • Within at least 500m from a single industrial manufacturing facility
  6. Preferably:
    • Electrical lines and/or power stations in the neighborhood
    • Few trees along east-west-south side of area

Industrial Land

  1. Surroundings of Milan (e.g. Noviglio, Mesero) or Bergamo & Brescia
  2. Proximity to highway
  3. Industrial (non-agricultural) use
  4. Minimum area of 30,000 m2
  5. Buildable area of 10,000 m2
  6. Allowed construction height of at least 10 meters
  7. Brownfield or Greenfield

If you are selling suitable land areas, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Entrepreneurial Equity

GSC stems from a family-run business and is operated by family entrepreneurs. Together with its like-minded German partner Rigeto Unternehmerkapital, GSC intends to partner with 5 (family-owned) mid-cap companies in Northern Italy during 2024 – 2025.

GSC-Rigeto is backed by real entrepreneurial capital and has no fund structure which allows for a tailored, flexible investment approach without a specific sector focus. This approach enables GSC-Rigeto to build sustainable long-term value and to maintain the legacy of the family businesses GSC-Rigeto partners with.

Investment criteria

Equity ticket

Enterprise value



€ 8 – 30 mn

€ 25 – 100 mn

€ 2.5 – 25 mn

HealthCare, Industrial, Software, Services, etc.



Due Diligence

Construction & Engineering

